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Surprising Ways Cannabis Can Help You Achieve Your Health Goals

Surprising Ways Cannabis Can Help You Achieve Your Health Goals

My, how times have changed! Only a few years ago, many people described cannabis as a “gateway drug,” one that inevitably led to physical (and even moral) decline.

Fortunately for those of us who believe in the many possible health benefits of cannabis use, a wealth of clinical studies supports a simple truth: There are many potential medical benefits of cannabis, and this ancient, all-natural plant medicine is helping millions of us to get fit, boost our happiness, and achieve our health goals.

In today’s post, we’ll run down just a few of the benefits of cannabis. Let’s begin with a refresher on CBD and THC, the two major “active ingredients” in cannabis, and how each impacts our bodies and minds.

Understanding the Concept of the Cannabinoid CBD

Potential Medical Benefits of Cannabis


If you know anything about cannabis, it’s probably that it gets you “high.” The truth is more complicated than that. But there’s much more to cannabis than just THC, the cannabinoid known for psychoactive effects.

You’ve probably heard of CBD, the second-most prevalent cannabinoid. While some people find it imparts a very mild “buzziness,” CBD doesn’t get you high. What’s more, it’s associated with many of the potential medical benefits of cannabis, including:

While most strains of cannabis contain both THC and CBD, a few enterprising companies—including yours truly—are harnessing cutting-edge technology and the goodness of whole-plant medicines to create products designed to deliver the benefits of cannabis using only CBD. How might they help you achieve your health goals? Let us count the ways!

Health Benefits of Cannabis Use: Yoga, Exercise, and Working Out

Because CBD is so effective at treating overworked muscles, it’s especially useful as a topical treatment right before and/or after a workout. Applied directly to tender muscles, products such as our original Releaf Balm and Releaf Body Oil deliver potent and lasting relief in a relatively short period of time.

Then there’s the gentle focusing and energizing effects of CBD. As we’ve shared before, using cannabis with or without THC can help us deepen our wellness routines and quests for self improvement. Many fans find that it sharpens focus and concentration, allowing us to better tune in to the subtle signals our bodies send during exertion.

Health Benefits of Cannabis Use: Treating Stubborn Stress

“Being well” isn’t just about working out. Especially in the midst of a global pandemic, many of us grapple with heightened stress and nerves. And while researchers are still unlocking the secrets of cannabinoids such as CBD, a growing number of studies point to its usefulness in combating stress and similar symptoms.

One test designed to simulate the challenges of public speaking found that moderate doses of CBD proved effective in reducing subjects’ stress. And, as a recent large-scale study demonstrated, there’s a large body of anecdotal evidence suggesting that many of us get lasting relief from stress through CBD products.

Medical Benefits of Cannabis: Potential Support for Weight Loss

Here’s a potential benefit of cannabis that may surprise you. In stark contrast to lingering stereotypes about cannabis’ association with the “munchies,” a large-scale study from 2019 suggested that those who enjoy cannabis are less likely to be overweight or obese. Researchers analyzed the body mass index (BMI) of some 33,000 participants. Overall findings showed:

“Cannabis users, even those who just started, were more likely to be at a normal, healthier weight and stay at that weight.”

Now, that’s some news you can really—as they say—stick in your pipe and smoke! As every body is a little different, we offer various strengths so you can find the perfect fit.

Do you have any other questions about the medical benefits of cannabis? Just ask! We’re here to help you achieve your happiest, healthiest self!

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